What do Kurt Cobain and Winston Churchill have in common?
Both were pursued by the black dog of depression. Other sufferers have described a black hole that engulfs them. It is a solitary and socially paralysing disease. Caught in pure poetry by Elizabeth Auzan. The stark and deceptively simple arrangement, the heart-rending sax of the inimitable Dan Rosati underscore this introspective and troubled state of mind. The chilling vocal performance of Céline Bode fits like a purple velvet glove over a rusting fist…
A big black dog is creeping up on me
I know him well. His name’s Despair.
Nowhere to hide. Nowhere
A big black cloud is hovering over me
My world turns dark. Complete nightmare
Oh, hear my prayer. My prayer
I can’t move
So confused
I can’t choose
Cos I always lose
A big black hole is opening under me
I want to fall. But I don’t dare
Too scared to act. Too scared
I can’t move
So confused
I can’t choose
Cos I always lose
(Lyrics by Elizabeth Auzan, vocals Céline Bode)